Guidance from Wyoming Health Department on Positive COVID-19 Tests in Schools

Happy Monday everyone.  Our schools are now open and registration is underway.  For more information on registration, please see the blog post from August 7th.

In a recent post (What Happens When COVID Happens), I talked about how our plan addresses how we will address symptomatic students and staff.  I also touched on the topic of how we will address positive cases of COVID-19 by students or staff, noting that we would rely on guidance from Sublette County Health.

The Wyoming Department of Health has released guidance to educational institutions entitled What to Expect if a Student of Staff Member has COVID-19.   This document will help you better understand what we can expect if we experience a positive test and I hope you have the time to read it.  If you are busy and don’t, below are the CliffsNotes.

  • Process:
    • As I discussed previously, state and local health officials assume control of the process when a student or staff tests positive and they note in the guidance, “Public health officials will make specific recommendations based on each situation.”
  • Case Interview:
    • When a positive test result is reported to public health, a local or state public health official will contact the person who tested positive, or the parent if the person is less than 18 years of age, to complete an investigation.
    • Public Health will also notify the school and gather information from the school.
    • The person with COVID-19 will be issued isolation orders.
  • Contact Tracing:
    • Public Health will conduct contact tracing and may issue isolation order to close contacts.
  • Release from Isolation and Quarantine and Return to School:
    • Once public health officials determine the person with COVID-19 is no longer infectious, he or she will be given a release from isolation letter. The person can return to school and resume normal activities.
  • Cleaning and Disinfecting after a Person is Diagnosed with COVID-19:
    • WDH recommends that schools wait 24 hours after the infectious person has been in the area to begin cleaning and disinfecting.
  • School Closures from Students or Staff with Diagnosed COVID-19 Case(s):
    • School closures will depend on multiple factors, including but not limited
      to the number of cases detected within the school, the extent of COVID-19 spread within the community, and the extent to which COVID-19 precautions have been implemented within the school.
    • In most instances, a single case of COVID-19 in a school would not warrant closing the entire school.
    • Short dismissals may be recommended for a school or a segment of the school to allow time to complete the appropriate cleaning and for public health officials to conduct the contact investigation.
    • If there is a significant outbreak within a school, then more extensive closures may be necessary.
    • Public health officials will provide recommendations to schools on whether a closure is needed and the length of closure needed based on each specific situation.
    • Public health officials will also work with school officials to determine whether a
      school needs to move into a different tier of operations – for example, move from Tier 1 into Tier 2 according to their SmartStart Plan.

The Wyoming Department of Health has also provided the infographic below.  We will post this throughout our buildings as a reminder to students, parents, staff and visitors.


About Dirty Side Down

What do you do when you have a job makes you want to pound sand most days? You vent to anyone who will listen. If your job is the kind of job that doesn't really allow for that? I guess you hop on your motorcycle and write a blog.
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7 Responses to Guidance from Wyoming Health Department on Positive COVID-19 Tests in Schools

  1. Rollie Myers says:

    Hoping you all have a great year.

  2. Kelli Lovell says:

    If a student exhibit symptoms and is required to stay home, will at home virtual learning be available while they are quarantined? Or is the virtual learning only available for those who enroll at the beginning of the school year?

    • Jay Harnack says:

      Yes, it will be available. Also, students who exhibit symptoms can return to school when they have been symptom-free, including fever-free for 24 hours.

  3. Ariel says:

    If my kids do the online schooling can they still participate In sports, and is basketball gonna be happening this year?

    • Jay Harnack says:

      Students enrolled in the district’s online education program are eligible to participate in student activities. We have received no guidance from the WHSAA regarding winter sports. As soon as we hear anything, we will let our families know.


  4. John says:

    What is basketball gonna look like and if my kid is doing online school can they still play it

    • Jay Harnack says:

      Students enrolled in the district’s online education program are eligible to participate in student activities. We have received no guidance from the WHSAA regarding winter sports. As soon as we hear anything, we will let our families know.


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